Sunday, March 13, 2011

Assignment #22 faces of the world.

This is the new cool assignment  for our geography. Anyway thanks to our teacher Miss P.

Part A

Globalization means to make this world in a better condition by working together in a group of people with different society,cultures etc all over the world.

Part B
How to make an average face?

To make an average face our teacher helped us by giving us the cool Website where we can find lots of faces of people which is not the real face because it is made up of different people's faces which is really cool.In this website we did lots of fun by comparing people's faces with another face which was amazing where we can see the future this is the cool website and I choose Hong Kong and London.
Miss P also asked a question about (In real life , How do facial identities change over generation?
Facial identities are changed by our gene which is a unit of heredity present  inside our body.It helps to build and maintain organism's cell and pass it to genetic traits to offspring.In where we get some of the features of our parents and may be any member's of our families like maybe our eye color,nose,face structure,lips etc.

Part C
What did you notice while playing around this faces?

While playing around this faces i found that the comparison of male and female will have a longer chin for future faces and they will look similar to them even though not exactly.

 Part D Face of tomorrow

                                                      ( 2 faces of Asian)
This is the face of tomorrow which i made.I think this will be the future face of tomorrow.This is the combinations of two Asian people.I think face of tomorrow will be a little more different than their pasts due to there's gene combination but will look similar.

Part E 

 I am an Asian girl with small eyes ,broad nose (a little bit),Black hair which i do not have exactly(brownish) and i m both the combination of my mom and dad but a lot Dad than mom. In my country there are lots of people with different face structure but my face goes to Mongolian race  so sometimes people get confused and match me with different countries of people like Chinese, Japanese, Korean and etc which i m not at all but anyway people gets confused which is kind a funny.Even when i was hanging around with my friend a Chinese came nearby me and spoke Chinese with me which was  kind a weird and funny.

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